Friday, May 15, 2009

MRI, ABC, BPA, designated marketing area, effective reach

1. Explain the terms MRI, ABC, BPA.

MRI: Mediamark Research Inc is one of the most widely used syndicated research service. They provide marketing and also media data on a regular basis. They report how often products and brands are used, so that a planner can identify heavy, medium, and light users demographically. MRI provides audience information by age, gender, and household income for all measured magazines as well as cable networks and top websites in exchange for no-charge registration.

ABC: The Audit Bureau of Circulations verifies the circulation statements made by major consumer magazines and newspapers. Although the audit data are password protected, the site contains information about how to use the various reports.

BPA: Business Press Audits. Their service is similar to ABC, but deals primarily with controlled circulation publications – magazines and newspapers that are subsidized entirely by advertising and offered at no cost to the reader. By using the BPA, advertisers can select the publications that most directly reach their particular marketing target

2. Explain the meaning of designated marketing area.

The designated market area, used by Nielsen Media Research for a television market, identifies an exclusive geographic area of counties in which the home market television stations hold a dominance of total hours viewed. There are 210 DMAs in the United States.

3. Explain effective reach.

Once an effective-frequency level has been decided on, the planner needs to know effective reach – that is, the % of the target audience exposed at the frequency level that is effective in the planner’s judgment. If the planner thinks three exposures are enough to be effective, then the plan will need to show what percent of the target is exposed at this level. Typically, a planner wants to reach as many people at this level as much possible within the authorized budget.

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